Important Notice: Future changelog entries will be posted on our GitHub repo's releases page.

Dec 25, 2017


  • Completed ground-work necessary to link founder targets to skills gained. Targets created from now on can include a skill-mapped rubic which shows the exact criteria for grading timeline events. Past targets will be slowly updated to the new format.

UI and UX

  • Reworked the footer to include links to important pages.


  • Updated content of home page and /join page to reflect major changes in SV.CO’s program.

Dec 18, 2017

UI and UX

  • Session details on the founder dashboard now uniformly shows the name of the person conducting the session, instead of the assigner, as is the case for regular targets.


  • We’re announcing our partnership with Facebook on a new School of VR. Visit for more information.


  • The performance modal on the founder dashboard has been removed. An alternative solution for dislaying progress and current standing is in the works.

Dec 11, 2017


  • Improved automation related to session scheduling, sending invitations and reminders, and gathering feedback.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur if there is considerable delay between completing a payment and redirecting back to SV.CO from payment gateway.

Nov 27, 2017


  • We now have a billing page for our founders! The page displays their subscription status and payment history.

UI and UX

  • Improved styling / higlighting of errors on startup profile edit form.

Nov 20, 2017


  • A new metric - the ‘Total Hours of Learning’ on the SV.CO platform was addded to the stats page.


  • Fixed a bug that caused a 404 when founders clicked the Connect to Slack button, if they’d connected to Slack sometime in the past.

Nov 13, 2017


  • We’ve released a new stats page, tracking metrics that are important to SV.CO.

UI and UX

  • Embedded YouTube videos in targets are now presented with a uniform set of features which includes video info, links to YouTube, player controls, and they don’t display YouTube’s suggestions for related videos.

  • Modified vocalist response to leaderboard to have a single message containing leaderboards for all levels


  • English Quiz submissions are now handled better resulting in a faster response by Vocalist.

Nov 06, 2017


  • The daily English quiz on Public Slack is now conducted by our bot, Vocalist!


  • Fixed multiple bugs on the founder edit page that were introduced during a design overhaul.

Oct 30, 2017

UI and UX

  • The styling of team members list displayed on the startup profile edit page has been updated to work well on mobiles.


  • Fixed multiple crashes on the Founder dashboard which arose due to some edge-case target configurations.


  • Added OpenGraph meta tags for most public pages to make them share-friendly.

Oct 23, 2017


  • The SV.CO program fee was modified to 4000 per founder. Discount coupons were also re-introduced back.

  • Implemented pagination and search feature in /startups page. Startups can now be searched using startup or product name.


  • Fixed broken Mark Unavailable button on the facutly weekly slots assignment page.

Oct 16, 2017


  • Startup quotes (from are now posted on the #community channel on Public Slack, daily at 8 AM.

UI and UX

  • Removal of founders from private Slack groups are now followed by a Vocalist announcement.

  • An acknowledgement is now emailed when founders submit feedback for the SV.CO platform.

Oct 09, 2017


  • Deployed the first stage of SV.CO Tech-Hunt to attract more developers to the platform.

UI and UX

  • Labels on the founder profile activity graph now include the year when it’s either December or January.


  • Fixed a bug in the Facebook share feature that possibly resulted in missing image and description in shared timeline event links.

Oct 03, 2017


  • Deployed a teaser page for the upcoming SV.CO Tech-Hunt.

  • The founder profile page has been updated to allow visitors to scan the entire activity timeline of a founder, instead of just the last seven months.

  • Founders with expired subscriptions are now removed from all private groups on Slack.

UI and UX

  • The timeline builder form now blocks submission if there is no active internet connection.

  • Stlying of founder profile edit page has been re-done to match design guidelines.


  • Fixed occasional crashes on the founder profile page.

  • Sign-in page now displays an error message if OAuth provider doesn’t supply email address after signing in. It used to show an unhelpful 404.

Sep 25, 2017


  • Extended subscription options have been added. Founders can now choose to renew SV.CO subscription for one, three, or six months.

Sep 18, 2017


  • Targets will now show associated library links alongside other details when expanded.

UI and UX

  • Added ‘Library’ to navigation bar for logged in founders


  • Fixed misaligned data points on Startup timeline when viewing from mobile

Sep 02, 2017


  • Library entries can now link to external resources.

  • Added the ability to connect a founder’s Slack account to his / her SV.CO account. This allows us to automatically invite founders to appropriate Slack channels, and keep the Slack profile name up-to-date in the required format.

  • A status bar was added to the target overlay to display detailed information about a target’s status for the signed-in founder.

  • A Discuss with Faculty link has been added to Slack notifications sent for new feedback from SV.CO team to founders.

Aug 28, 2017


  • A handy ‘Clear’ button was added to the filter on startups page.

  • Soon-to-expire/expired subscribers are now shown a site wide banner informing the same.

Aug 21, 2017


  • A new referral scheme is now live! Startups can now refer new startups and earn free SV.CO subsciption credits.

  • Updated startup timeline and event URLs to be more resilient to change. Updating a startup’s slug will no longer break old links to the timeline.

UI and UX

  • All emails have been updated to feature current design language.

Aug 14, 2017


  • The chores tab has been removed from the founder dashboard. Non-repeatable targets have been merged into the targets tab.

UI and UX

  • The founder dashboard action bar is now hidden on Level 0, since it serves no purpose at that point.

Aug 07, 2017


  • We now have an expanded target view in the dashboard. The target overlay will have description, completion instructions, video embeds, timeline submissions and feedbacks all in one place. This will also allow founders to share links to specific targets with co-founders.

Jul 31, 2017


  • We now require startups to pay a monthly fee. Reminder emails will be sent 5 days, and 3 days before subscription expires.

  • Startups are now listed in the order of their latest public timeline entry.


  • Reduced / eliminated the likelyhood of generating duplicate slugs for startups.


  • ‘Help Center’ in navigation tab now point to

Jul 24, 2017


  • We’ve removed the lengthy admissions process on Level 0 and overhauled the fee structure for our program - a new subscription model is in place.

  • Hints for common errors / typos are now displayed in the co-founders invitation form of Level 0.


  • We’ve released a brand new home page, and join page!

  • The automatic tour of the dashboard has been moved to Level 1.


  • Fixed a crash that occured when attempting to invite a founder from an admitted startup.


  • The link now redirects to

Jul 18, 2017


  • Fixed stale bug-producing code for Facebook connnect.

Jul 11, 2017


  • Fix a bug that could cause a crash when attempting to delete timeline events with feedback.


  • Remove the glossary (define) command from Vocalist’s vocabulary.

Jul 03, 2017


  • MOOC students are now issued discount coupons for applying to SV.CO after course completion.

UI and UX

  • Github / Bitbucket URLs collected during screening are now validated.

  • The SV.CO logo has been updated.

  • Improve the validation of email input in MOOC student signup form to avoid common typos.

Jun 12, 2017


  • Create page which will be used to embed live video streams of SV.CO webinars and to display upcoming live events.


  • Removed chores from previous levels section on level zero.

  • Level 0 screening now asks hackers for their Github/BitBucket URLs.


  • Added missing .pdf extension to certificate file made available at the end of SixWays MOOC.

  • Removed link to timeline page in feedback emails sent to Level 0 startups - since the timeline page is only active for Level 1+ startups

  • Fix incorrect linking of URLs supplied by the founder for his profile.

Jun 05, 2017


  • Improve founder registration form by eliminating email repetition and by hinting the applicant of possible errors in email input.

UI and UX

  • Set default date for timeline-event submission to the present day.


  • Fourth and final module for the SixWays MOOC has been released.

May 29, 2017

UI and UX

  • Grades for completed targets are now displayed on the target header on the founder dashboard, next to the title.

  • An option to retake the tour of the founder dashboard has been added to the action-bar dropdown.

  • Startup’s level is now displayed instead of the older stage property on the /startups index page, and on all timeline pages.


  • Fixed a bug which caused the description text to be repeated once within founder dashboard’s target description accordions.

  • Fixed an incorrect path to an image on the /talent page causing a 404.

May 22, 2017

UI and UX

  • Titles of prerequisite targets are now displayed on the founder dashboard for targets that are blocked by incomplete prerequisites.

  • Upcoming (locked) levels are displayed in the level selection dropdown on the founder dashboard.


  • Fixed a bug in the email sent after founder registration that could affect existing users of SV.CO.

May 15, 2017


UI and UX

  • A minor improvement was made to the styling of attachment download option on the timeline event feedback modal.


  • The founder dashboard page should now load much faster than before (about 6x faster on average) - we’ve re-worked a significant chunk of the data-loading process for the page.

May 08, 2017


  • Weekly leaderboards have been updated to display level-wise ranking.

UI and UX

  • Target titles on the founder dashboard were updated to be a bit more descriptive.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur when submitting the notification form on /apply page.

May 01, 2017

UI and UX

  • The file drawer on the timeline builder component now automatically closes when the discard button is clicked.


  • After submitting a target from the founder dashboard, the date of submission was being reported incorrectly - it was always showing the current date. This has been fixed.

  • Fixed a crash on the founder edit page for users who had uploaded their identification proof.

Apr 24, 2017


  • Individual founder completion status has been restored to target description on the founder dashboard.

Apr 10, 2017

UI and UX

  • Sessions on the founder dashboard are now ordered closest to most distant in time for both upcoming and past session lists.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented founders from viewing target rubrics.

Apr 03, 2017


  • Founders now receive notifications from Vocalist when they receive karma points.

UI and UX

  • Added a check to validate length of timeline event description before submitting information from the timeline builder.

  • The /activity page was removed because it had very little activity (ouch) in terms of page-views and was outdated.


  • Fixed broken validation for founder’s date of birth on profile edit form.

  • Fixed an issue with the resume link on founder profile which caused it to point to outdated / incorrect locations.

  • Fixed incorrect positioning on Add Event button on the founder dashboard when viewing using mobile devices.

  • Fixed broken styling of the contact form on the /talent page.

Mar 27, 2017


  • The founder dashboard has been rebuilt to better match our program’s objectives and for greater ease of use.


  • Fixed a crash on founder profile edit page when uploading non-image files as college identification.


  • We’ve enabled a Cloudflare feature which offers automatic image compression, this should help users with slow internet connections.

Mar 20, 2017


  • Added some new fields to the Founder profile edit page to accept data that will be useful for graduation.

Mar 13, 2017


  • When a founder gets a new verified timeline event, Vocalist sends a new notification to co-founders.

  • When a SV.CO faculty member edits the description of a timeline event, the author is notified by Vocalist of the update, along with a diff.

UI and UX

  • Initial load time of the Startup timeline page has been cut down by deferring loading of earlier events.


  • Fixed an incorrect flash message that appeared when signing in using OAuth.

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when an unauthenticated user attempts to access a restricted founder URL.

Mar 06, 2017


  • Founders are now allowed to re-submit targets even after completion.

UI and UX

  • The contact form was removed from /about/contact since using Intercom is easier.


  • Vocalist pings for timeline event feedback have been restored.

Feb 27, 2017


  • Library resources can now display embedded Youtube videos.

UI and UX

  • Rating titles for faculty connect requests were updated to reduce confusion about their purpose.


  • The startup feedback mailer sent out when faculty adds feedback for a startup was broken - this has been fixed.

  • We no longer list exited founders on front-end pages.

  • Fixed a crash in the startup edit form caused by presence of incorrect related data.

  • Fixed a bug in a header animation on the /talent page.

  • Added server-side validation for Founder’s avatar image file-type - this prevents a crash if a founder attempts to upload non-image files.

Feb 21, 2017


  • A few issues related to the assignment of karma points for improved timeline events, and consistency of the weekly leaderboard, have been resolved.

  • The invite form to SV.CO’s Public Slack at /about/slack was broken due to changes in Slack policy - this has been fixed.

Feb 13, 2017

UI and UX

  • We’ve changed the behavior of how our application handles issues related to presence of a valid authenticity token in form submissions. This eliminates occasional error messages that pop up when the web browser fails to send the expected token.

  • Improved margins of Target descriptions on the Founder dashboard for greater readability on mobile devices.


  • Fixed a bug related to the Founder profile edit form which rendered Vocalist unable to ping founders on Slack.

  • Fixed a bug on the Founder dashboard causing filters to display targets that did not fit its criteria.

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when founders from earlier batches visited their dashboard page.

  • The leaderboard now correctly calculates the rank for startups without points for a week, when there is more than one startup sharing a rank placed above them.


  • The performance of the Founder dashboard has been greatly improved - it’s about 30x faster (!) on average, on initial load.

Feb 06, 2017


  • The Leaderboard has been updated to show delta from past week’s position. This update applies to public leaderboard page and Vocalist’s response on SV.CO’s Public Slack.

UI and UX

  • Timeline events linked to targets now prefix its description with information about the target.

  • When responding to leaderboard requests, Vocalist now includes the time frame for which the leaderboard was generated.

  • Cleaned up uneven spacing between bullet points and paragraphs in target descriptions.


  • /about/slack was displaying a missing app error from Heroku. This sign-up form for SV.CO’s Public Slack has been restored.

Jan 30, 2017


  • The admissions process has been re-worked to allow multiple rounds of admission for a single batch.

  • A new screening (first) stage has been introduced to the application process, and the combined coding and video test has been split into two separate stages.

UI and UX

  • The profile edit page for founders had two separate forms for basic and social-media-related information. They have been merged into one.


  • The submit feedback form was inaccessible when viewed from the home page - its styling was also broken. Both these issues have been fixed.

  • The submit feedback form’s horizontal resize ability has been disabled to prevent it from overflowing its container’s bounds.

Jan 23, 2017


  • Added ability to filter targets on the Founder Dashboard.

UI and UX

  • Timeline event descriptions now include line-breaks when being displayed in the startup timeline.

  • The application registration form and the user sign-in form now block users and display an error message if the address being used has bounced emails in the past.


  • We’ve fixed a timing-related bug with the Startup Leaderboard - the results should now be accurate when viewing after midnight.

Jan 16, 2017


  • Founders can now connect their Facebook account to auto-post timeline events to their wall upon verification.

  • Login process for applicants has been upgraded to latest method - OAuth-based login + single-use email.

UI and UX

  • Registration process for SixWays MOOC now supplies a searchable list of colleges (instead of asking for University and College).

  • Timeline event description length limit has been increased to 500 characters.

  • When submitting a timeline event, the form now points out if a file has been selected, but not added to list of attachments, even if the file form is closed.


  • Fixed a bug in the rendering of cards on startups page.

  • Fixed a bug preventing Vocalist from replying to leaderboard requests from Slack channels.

Jan 09, 2017


  • Karma Points are now automatically awarded upon verification of timeline event, based on assigned grade.

UI and UX

  • All buttons on the timeline builder action bar are now disabled once the submission process begins.

  • When submitting a timeline event with a file or a link, clicking the submit button now runs validations on an open file or link form, to ensure that any currently entered values are not missed out when sending data to the server.

  • Clicking the logo after being signed in now leads to founder dashboard page.

  • The check (tick) button to the right of file and link form elements in the timeline builder now reads ADD to clearly communicate its purpose.

  • The Download Rubric button within targets on the founder dashboard now generate a S3 download link on demand, so as to prevent timeouts.


  • There was a minor mismatch between length validation of timeline event description on the client and the server, which caused issues when max-ed out length was submitted. Some slack has been added to prevent any further issues.

  • Videos in the dashboard target slides no longer continue to play after being closed.

  • A confirmed faculty connect request now successfully creates a Google Calendar event, marking all participants - it wasn’t working because of an authorization issue.

  • Timeline builder now trims the description to calculate its length and before sending it to the server.

  • Slack username validation on the Founder edit page has been updated to match Slack’s latest standard.

  • Fixed an crash when revisiting the Founder edit page immediately after uploading a new avatar image.

  • The timeline builder would not open on Safari when triggered from a target which has a default timeline event type. This was caused by the presence of some ES7 Javascript that Safari couldn’t parse. The ES7 segments have been replaced with ES6 for compatibility.

  • The submit feedback form available to signed-in founders had broken styling.

  • The sign-up form for SixWays MOOC was non-functional because selection of state was broken - this has been fixed.

  • Removed case-sensitivity from timeline builder’s cover image file selector. This allows users to pick files with all-caps file extensions.

  • The count of participating universities shown on the home page was stuck at zero. The calculation has been fixed to match latest data.

Jan 02, 2017


  • Batch 3 is now live! We’ve launched the new founder dashboard, detailing our six-month program’s target framework, and a much easier method to submit timeline events and receive feedback.


  • The form for joining our Public Slack channel was non-functional on most browsers - this has been fixed.

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Pupilfirst Pvt. Ltd.,
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Business Office Address

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